There are many ways to communicate with one another with today’s technology. The internet has popular websites such as myspace and face book that allows us to communicate with each other; however, blogging has began to grow and has become popular through the world of communication.
Blogging has been a wonderful experience for me. For my English class, for the past ten weeks, I have been keeping an blog. The comments from fellow bloggers have been positive, and it’s been wonderful reading other insightful blogs. My experience with blogging has shown me, blogs can be used for many things. Blogs can be used to communicate your feelings, get news from all around the world, or blogs can be used as online journals to express your life experiences.
Since anyone can write blogs, blogging contains a vast variety of users, and a vast variety of topics. Whether you’re a Christian looking for a blog on Jesus, or if your just looking to check the news, there’s a blog for you. Sports blogs allows you to bash sports teams, or just get news on your favorite sports team. An example of a sports blog is Sox & Dawgs. Since there is a range of blog writers, there’s a range of blog readers. To help keep readers interested you have to keep your blog updated.
Blogs can be used to communicate important and non important messages. Me personally I use my blog to communicate the message we are living in the End Times. There are people who don’t believe we are living in the End times, and there are some people who don’t even believe in God. With my blog I’m trying to show them we are living in the End Times, and show them how important it is to have Jesus in our lives. A blog I have been following entitled “End Times” also communicates the message we are living in the end times, but the author of the blog focuses on other topics also. The comments feature allows people who you know, and don’t know to ask questions about the message or just post a comment about the message.
Blogging helps to better your writing. I considered myself an pretty okay writer, but with the various blogging assignments, and help from classmates and my professor, I was able to improve my writing. One assignment for the blog was to guest blog for another blogger; this assignment helped me to be more open-minded about what I write about and become a more well rounded writer.
Blogging has many positives, but blogging also has its negatives too. When doing research or searching for the news, it isn’t known if the information being provided is always true or not. Also some blogs have opinionated posts, and since anyone can post a comment, this can lead to someone leaving an negative comment, which can lead to an argument.
When I first entered my English class I didn’t expect to be blogging, but the experience has been wonderful for me. Blogging has helped me to communicate my message to others. Reading others blogs has been interesting, and has allowed me to get a better understanding of what they go through from week to week. My overall experience with blogging has been positive. With all the possibilities of blogging, it’s no wonder blogging is becoming a popular way to communicate on the internet.
That’s all for now, thanks for reading.
Works Cited
Shattered Paradigm, “End Times”, http://theendtimesblog.blogspot.com/, Mar.18.2009.
Ian, “Sox & Dawgs”, http://soxanddawgs.com/, Mar.18.2009.
ReplyDeleteI'm glad to hear about your experience with guest blogging. I believe that stepping outside our comfort zone in our writing--like in most aspects in life--fosters growth.
I agree that you have progressed as a writer this class.
Thanks for a great one!